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13TH - 19TH AUGUST 2012


Music List

Monday 13th August Choral Evensong

Sanders , Preces & Responses
Psalms 69
Ayleward, Short evening Service
Haydn, Lord, we pray thee

Tuesday 14th August Choral Evensong

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 72
Stewart, Evening Service in C
Victoria, Ave Maria

Wednesday 15th August Choral Evensong

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 84
Gibbons, Short Evening Service
Tye, O God, be merciful

Friday 17th August
Choral Evensong

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 89
Dyson, Evening Service in F
Wesley, Thou wilt keep him

Saturday 18th August Choral Evensong

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 93
Wood, Evening Service in E flat No.2
Bainton, And I saw a new heaven

Sunday 19th August
Choral Matins

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 92
Te Deum: Stanford in B flat & Jubilate: Deane Congregational
Batten, O sing joyfully

Sung Eucharist

Psalm 111
Ireland, Communion Service in C
Friedell, Draw us in the sprit’s tether

Choral Evensong

Sanders, Preces & Responses
Psalm 106
Wood, Evening Service in F ‘Collegium Regale’
Parry, I was glad

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